Team Captains' Meeting 17.8.2024, 18:00
- Team Captains’ Meeting
- 17.8.2024. 18:00
- 1 Opening
- 2 Presence
- 3 Organizer
- 4 Jury
- 5 Weather Forecast
- 6 Entries and Start List
- 7 Race track
- 8 Maintenance
- 9 Safety
- 10 Roller Skis and Transbonders
- 11 Service
- 12 Training on the track
- 13 TD:s instructions
- 14 Organizer’s instructions
Chief of Competition Kari Ahonen
Race secretary Ulla Pakarinen
Chief of Safety Tomi Rinta-Jaskari
Cief of track Janne Aumakallio
First Aid Antti Jarva
TDA Jukka Rasimus
Chief of Competition Kari Ahonen
Race Scretary Ulla Pakarinen
Entries and Start List
Startlist is composed in elite series as follows: Visma Ski Classics rankin order, FIS points order, lotted
Recreational series: FIS points, lotted
Elite Men 60km
Elite Women 60km
Recreational Men 60km
Recreational Women 60km
Elite Men 30km
Elite Women 30km
Recreational Men 30km
Recreational Women 30km
Brushing to morrow morning
- Covers of wells are painted with bright yellow
- Cracks are also painted with yellow
- Track limits in streets are painted with orange or red
- Track quidance mostly with blue V-boards
- Warning signs before turns 100m and 50m; challencing with red arrow and normal with gren arrow
- Warning by whistle behind the ice-hockey hall when coming across Lammassaarentie
- Don’t rush in challenging turns, be patient
Roller Skis and Transbonders
- Elite series: Marwe zero-wheel, giving beginning at 9:00
- Recreational series: Marwe zero-wheel or own calssic skis, giving 9:00
- Transbonders to elite series, giving beginnin at 9:00
- A good way is to take first the bib number, then the skis and then the transbonder, at the same
- Not returned skis 600€ and transbonder 100€.
Service is allowed everywhere where it is safe
- Organizers drinking is at the roller ski stadium, there is water and juice
- No poles by organizer
- The Jury can deny service in any palce if it is necessary because of the safety
- Training on the track
- The traffic equipment will be set up to morrow morning so that it is ready at 9:30.
- Before that, at any time, the tarck is a common traffic area and the traffic rules must be obey
- Course is safe and ready at 9:30
- TD:s Instructions
- The FIS rules
- Protest time 15 min, payment 100 € race office
Classical Technique
Perinteinen hiihtotapa
Skiing rules
ICR 310.2.2.1
- Classical technique includes the Diagonal Stride techniques, the double poling techniques, herringbone techniques without a gliding phase and turning techniques.
- Perinteinen hiihtotapa käsittää vuorohiihdon, tasatyönnön, haarakäynnin ilman liukuvaihetta ja käännökset
ICR 310.2.2.3
- Turning techniques comprise of steps with the inner and pushes with the outer ski in order to change skiing direction. The sections of the course where turning techniques are allowed must be clearly marked.
- Käännökset koostuvat sisäsuksen askelista ja ulkosuksen työnnöistä suunnan muuttamiseksi. Radan osat, missä käännöstekniikka on sallittu, tulee selvästi merkitä.
ICR 310.2.2.4
- Where there are one or more set tracks, repeatedly changing or stepping in and out of tracks is not allowed.
- Toistuvat vaihdokset ladulta pois ja takaisin eivät ole sallittuja
ICR 310.2.2.5
- Single or double-skating is not allowed.
Yksi- tai kaksipuolinen luistelu on kielletty
Pole lenght ICR 343.8.1
- In classical technique competitions, the maximum pole length must not exceed 83% of the competitor’s body height. In free technique competitions, the maximum pole length must not exceed 100% of the competitor’s height. The body height is measured with ski boots on from a flat surface, to the top of the uncovered head. The pole length is measured from the bottom of the pole to the highest attachment of the strap. All measurements will be rounded to the nearest centimeter as follows: less than 0.5 cm will be rounded down and 0.5 cm and above will be rounded up.
Perinteisen hiihtotavan kilpailussa saa sauvan pituus olla enintään 83 % hiihtäjän pituudesta. Vapaan hiihtotavan kilpailussa voi sauvan pituus olla enintään sama kuin hiihtäjän oma pituus. Kilpailijan pituus mitataan hänen seistessään hiihtokengät jalassa tasomaisella alustalla, paljaan pään ylimmän kohdan etäisyytenä tasosta. Sauvan pituus mitataan sauvan alapäästä hihnan ylimpään kiinnityskohtaan. Kaikki mittaustulokset pyöristetään lähimpään täyteen senttiin siten, että alle 0,5 cm
- Organizer’s Instructions
- Transbonders 1h before start, make sure to have it with you in the start
If the competitor has not started the last round before 2:00 pm, he/she will be flagged out
- Winner’s interviews right after finishing in finish area
- Prize giving seremony 15min after the race end and when the results are official
- Three best get the prize in all series